Welcome to Mark's 67 J3000 page on wagoneers.com

August 11, 2000

August 11, 2000

August 11, 2000

August 11, 2000

August 11, 2000

August 11, 2000

August 11, 2000

August 11, 2000

August 11, 2000

August 11, 2000

August 11, 2000

August 11, 2000

August 11, 2000

August 11, 2000

August 11, 2000

August 11, 2000

August 11, 2000

August 11, 2000
Greetings from
Snohomish, Washington - USA, where Jeeps don't
rust , they mold...
The original
FSJ pages on the virtual-cafe.com
are still there and have not been migrated to this site yet. (January 1999). Both
sides are "joined at the hip" so there should be no problem bouncing back and forth.
These pages are the first and the longest running Full Size Jeep pages on the
internet. The FSJ pages were started on John's homepage on Compuserve,
moved to the virtual-cafe.com and then a larger version appeared for about
11 months on a commercial site until returning to the virtual-cafe.com. Now
they will appear here. There have been parallel FSJ pages, but these
are the original.
There is one slight exception concerning the "first": the zynet.com pages. Those
pages were created about the same time but disappeared off the internet. John's
pages were placed on compuserve about the same time, and were in fact a copy
of some of the pages created there by Kevin Highsmith.
The FSJ-list got it's start in 1995 when John Meister and Mike Lacher met on
rec.autos.4x4 and started talking about Wagoneers. Within a few months there
were a dozen other folks involved and we kicked off the first list. The
list moved from server to server and in 1997 split into two lists. The list
that John is currently active on is the one on digest.net.
If you're looking for the smaller versions of Cherokees or Wagoneers, try:
XJ files or Cherokees
Wagoneers.com came on line September 24, 1998. Check back soon,
lots of info is heading this way...
John Meister is working on a book on "The Other Jeeps". It will will
cover MJ, SJ, XJ, WJ and ZJ jeep wagons and pickups. No bobtails, just
the other jeeps.